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No Room for Ambiguity Within Artificial Intelligence: OpenAI Policy Changes

Should OpenAI Have Been Louder?

A transparent box with an AI Policy inside, to reference transparency within AI ethics
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In the dynamic realm of artificial intelligence, where innovation continually reshapes the future, the imperative of clear and robust ethical guidelines cannot be overstated. This blog delves into the significance of transparency and accountability.

By examining the recent evolution of OpenAI's policies January 2024 changes, we aim to contrast their approach with the steadfast principles upheld at Plator.


1. Introduction: AI Policy Evolution – Plator’s Perspective

In the rapidly evolving landscape of AI, where global regulation is still catching up, companies like ours play a crucial role in shaping ethical AI use. At Plator, we are not here to critique OpenAI's recent policy change. Instead, in line with our commitment to transparency and ethical governance—key tenets of two of Plator's AI principles (Principle#3 and Principle #6) —we feel it's essential to inform our stakeholders about these developments.

Our products and services leverage tools like OpenAI's ChatGPT, and our dedication to clear communication and ethical considerations compels us to share these updates, as we believe that we believe that Open AI should have been more open and transparent in these changes (for instance, actively notifying users and subscribers of these changes, something we haven’t been able to find as a paid subscriber).

2. Background on OpenAI's Policy

OpenAI's original policy set explicit boundaries, including provisions against weapons development, military and warfare activities, and involvement in high-risk industries like energy, transportation, and water management.

Before The Changes

OpenAI policy prior to changes, detailing the ban of military and warfare
A notable section of OpenAI's policy prior to the changes. Dated: March 23rd 2023.

3. Announcement of Policy Change

However, the landscape shifted in the January 2024 update of OpenAI's usage policies. The organisation claimed to transition towards more readable and service-specific guidelines. Notably, the explicit ban on military and warfare use was removed, and nuanced changes, such as the removal of the ban of high-risk government decision-making.  

OpenAI Policy after the changes are complete, now military is not mentioned explicitly
A notable section of OpenAI's policy after the changes. Dated: January 10th 2024.

4. Discovery and Communication Challenges

Discovering these policy changes without a clear formal announcement from OpenAI, from what we can determine, underscores the need for more transparent and proactive communication strategies in the AI industry. We checked our own notifications from OpenAI and last mention we can find of changes to any policies is an email received on 24th December at 10am, notably Christmas Eve. Within this email there is no specific notation of changes in relation to the Usage Policy and sparse explanation is given. We are happy to be corrected if email notifications were provided to subscribers. Similarly, whilst the changelog within the policy section notes the alterations, it is placed at the bottom of the page and omits any specific information.

OpenAI's Changelog, with January 10th dated. pointing to the recent changes logged.
OpenAI's Changelog

5. Impact on Perception and Fear of AI

It is crucial to emphasise that our aim is not to critique OpenAI directly, nor to comment on where AI should be used; instead, we highlight the fundamental importance of clear, precise communication and informative open announcements. Without such clarity, fear can spread, and many individuals may begin to harbour concerns about AI and its potential impact on the future. OpenAI's communication challenges, stemming from a lack of explicit details in announcements, may inadvertently contribute to these fears, given social media activity. A more comprehensive and transparent communication strategy could have alleviated concerns and enhanced public understanding.

6. The Importance of Clear Ethical Guidelines

AI operates in diverse domains, and clear ethical guidelines are essential for its responsible development, deployment, and use. Ambiguity can lead to difficulties in decision-making, privacy breaches, improper use of information and may result in confusion, avoidance of responsibility, or resistance.

7. Summary: Broader Implications for the AI Industry

Beyond specific policy changes, considering the broader ethical implications in AI development is essential. Discussions must continue regarding ethical guidelines to continue to hold companies accountable for their actions.

The shifts in OpenAI's policies, claiming a move towards more readable and service-specific guidelines, serve as a reminder of the importance of clear and unambiguous guidelines. As AI continues to shape our future, maintaining transparency and accountability will be instrumental in fostering innovation that benefits society at large.

We encourage readers to reflect on these changes and actively engage in the conversation about responsible AI use. Consider the opportunities and ethical challenges presented by these policy evolutions, as your insights contribute to shaping the future of AI ethics and industry practices.

We would love to hear your thoughts!


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